How the

How the

But the pandemic took things up a notch, analysts said. As the pandemic escalated last winter and spring, packing plant shutdowns led to temporary shortages and empty meat shelves at some grocery stores. CME live cattle futures tumbled over 40% from the start of 2020, touching a 14-year low at about 76 cents a pound in April 2020.

| Food Dive

| Food Dive

In a global that is worth more than $2 trillion and represents about 5.6% of U.S. GDP, meat and dairy producers are pivoting to plant-based options to complement their portfolios and keep …

Dry by …

Dry by …

Dry by . By Lindsay Campbell on March 7, 2020. They suggest paying farmers not to farm. Researchers find that irrigation of cattle feed crops is the greatest consumer of river water in the western United States. Photography courtesy of University of Delaware.

Tensions Surrounding US  Exports to China | UNL

Tensions Surrounding US Exports to China | UNL

Between 2010-2019, the average measure of concentration was 0.128 (0 is highly competitive and 1 is highly concentrated). When the Chinese stepped in and started buying U.S. beginning in 2020, the measure of concentration changed from 0.152 to 0.146 in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Year to date, the measure of concentration in 2022 is 0.149.

Environmental Effects of the Livestock : The …

Environmental Effects of the Livestock : The …

1.1. Literature Review. Production of food from animals has accelerated during the last 100 years, in response to growing demand [].Throughout the world approximately 70 billion animals are reared as domestic animals annually, with more than 6 million animals killed for food each year [], and approximately 56 billion mammals and birds slaughtered each year [].

Food Supply Chain |

Food Supply Chain |

Food production and manufacturing are widely dispersed throughout the U.S. and there are currently no wide-spread disruptions reported in the supply chain. and the Food and Drug Administration are closely monitoring the food supply chain for any shortages in collaboration with and our federal and state partners.

Symposium Paper: Transportation  affecting cattle well …

Symposium Paper: Transportation affecting cattle well …

The goal of this checkoff sponsored symposium was to provide clarity regarding cattle well-being, research, the current state of the , and the future of cattle transportation in North America. In today’s marketing programs, feeder calves might be transported as many as 6 times.

The pandemic exposed the human cost of the meatpacking …

The pandemic exposed the human cost of the meatpacking …

Those four companies now control 85% of the market and 70% of the pork market. Bar charts showing increasing proportion of and pork industries controlled by the top 4 companies.

Meat and the Environment |

Meat and the Environment |

According to the U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification, it takes up to 10 pounds of grain to produce just 1 pound of meat, and in the United States alone, 56 million acres of land are used to grow feed for animals, while only 4 million acres are producing plants for humans to eat. More than 90 percent of all Amazon rainforest land cleared …

Here’s why meat shortages are likely to last during the pandemic

Here’s why meat shortages are likely to last during the pandemic

Mark Lauritsen, head of the food processing, packing and manufacturing division of the United Food and Commercial Workers, said meatpacking plants will continue to produce less meat for grocery …

The Importance of  Trade to the Cattle

The Importance of Trade to the Cattle

Conversely, 2016-2020 average annual unprepared imports were 2.30 billion pounds, import value was $5.8 billion, and implied import price was $2.52/lb. These statistics clearly indicate participation in the global market provides a net economic gain. Export volume as a percentage of domestic production has grown substantially in recent …

Skyrocketing sales of grass-fed  are forcing the  …

Skyrocketing sales of grass-fed are forcing the …

Sales of fresh grass-fed soared from $17 million in 2012 to $272 million just four years later, according to Nielsen data published in an April report from Bonterra Partners, an investment …

Impact  –  Research

Impact – Research

Figure 1. The nexus between environmental impact per unit of produced and cattle welfare. Items listed in the nexus are that can be “win-wins” (e.g., if the heat stress cattle experience can be mitigated, their productivity improves, thereby decreasing environmental impacts per unit of ). *Adapted from Place and Mitloehner …

(PDF)  – ResearchGate

(PDF) – ResearchGate

There. ar e other health , human and animal, that emerge in the course of the production of. . Animal s are significantly more crovi’ded in large feedlots, which may contain up to one …

The Indonesian  : The Challenges Remain | US ABC

The Indonesian : The Challenges Remain | US ABC

Despite challenges regarding the sustainability of Indonesia’s , there are many opportunities for growth in the market. With the country’s middle-class constituting 20% of the population, Indonesia has one of the fastest-growing urbanized consumer markets with an average annual growth rate of 2.24%.

Progress With Livestock Welfare in Extensive Production …

Progress With Livestock Welfare in Extensive Production …

Extensive livestock production industries are vital to the national economy, and include 26.4 million cattle valued at AUD19.6 billion in 2019, and 70.6 million sheep valued at AUD6.6 billion for meat and AUD3.615 billion for wool (in 2019 and 2017, respectively) ( 10 ). Due to a number of welfare disaster events in the last two decades …

Recognizing the Importance of the  Cattle  to Corn

Recognizing the Importance of the Cattle to Corn

With more than 20 million cattle in the U.S., the consumes more than 1,250 million bushels of corn and provides $5.7 billion in value to the corn . In 2018, the value of red meat exports to corn was $1.62 billion and contributed to 11% of bushel value. The projected value of red meat exports to corn from 2018 – 2021 …

Why  Is Bad for the Planet, Explained – Sentient Media

Why Is Bad for the Planet, Explained – Sentient Media

Today, the ranching breeds as many as 1.5 billion cows per year, and methane emissions from cattle are a real climate problem. In fact, methane is the second most abundant greenhouse gas found in the atmosphere, and 40 percent of all methane comes from agricultural sources, with livestock production directly responsible for 32 percent.

How the   Is  – Nationwide

How the Is – Nationwide

How cattle producers are . The COVID-19 pandemic threw the brakes on a lot of businesses in 2020. The was one of the hardest-hit sectors of food and agriculture. Supply chain members from the cow/calf operation to the grocery counter felt the pressure. Consumers faced sharply higher prices and processors saw …

New report highlights value of international  trade

New report highlights value of international trade

Peel and Tonsor’s research shows that a 10% reduction in imports and exports over a 10-year period would result in a $20 billion impact to cattle producers. “Bottom line, there would be huge economic losses if we did not trade, and the would be much smaller,” Peel said.

How gene editing could improve — or worsen — animal … – Vox

How gene editing could improve — or worsen — animal … – Vox

Each year, approximately 300 million male chicks are ground up alive or gassed in the US egg because they can’t lay eggs and have been bred to be too small to be worth the effort of …

Total US cattle herd drops to lowest level since 1951. Why?

Total US cattle herd drops to lowest level since 1951. Why?

In the recent cattle and calves report, the USDA said there are 87.2 million head – the lowest such estimate since 1951. And that drives greater demand for dairy’s cull cows. The inventory of all U.S. cattle decreased two percent from a year ago and that decline follows a four percent decrease in the U.S. herd from 2022 to 2023 …

-on-dairy calves cause supply chain  | Ag Proud

-on-dairy calves cause supply chain | Ag Proud


prices are at record highs, so why aren’t cattle …

prices are at record highs, so why aren’t cattle …

He blames the wave of corporate consolidation that swept the since the 1980s. That decade marked the start of Ronald Reagan’s presidency and new push for deregulation. During this time, the government relaxed enforcing antitrust laws and didn’t challenge mergers, paving the way for bigger companies and the rise of big players.

The red meat issue Biden won’t touch –

The red meat issue Biden won’t touch –

“The U.S. cattle and has had the lowest greenhouse gas emissions intensity in the world for 25 years. Direct emissions from cattle account for only 2 percent of the nation’s …

Fewer cattle and less  in 2023 – Farm Progress

Fewer cattle and less in 2023 – Farm Progress

The cow herd going into 2023 is lower than needed to support the and will provoke significant herd rebuilding when it is possible. The strong pace of heifer slaughter in 2021 and 2022 suggests that herd rebuilding may start slow, with the limited availability of replacement heifers in 2023.

by Strong Demand with Higher …

by Strong Demand with Higher …

Kevin Good, vice president of relations and analysis at CattleFax, reported that 1.2 million head of cattle were liquidated in 2019-2020 after a 6.3 million head expansion between 2014 and 2018. Even with fewer cattle in the system, production still increased.

Global  Market Report 2022: Focus on Leading Players,

Global Market Report 2022: Focus on Leading Players,

Consuming Countries – Global Market 9.1 United States 9.2 China 9.3 Brazil 9.4 European Union 9.5 India 9.6 Argentina 9.7 Mexico 9.8 Canada 9.9 Russia 9.10 Japan 10. Importing Countries …

Challenges & Opportunities

Challenges & Opportunities

prices. To remain a profitable , the sector needs to closely examine its competitive position relative to other meats and focus its efforts where the impact will be greatest. This fact sheet discusses these and outlines strategies the should consider when positioning itself in this dynamic environment.



This paper presents the results of a study of social sustainability in the U.S. with a focus on the pre-harvest, cattle ranching portion of the . Using an integrative literature review and interviews with fifteen thought leaders in the field, we synthesize key indicators of social sustainability and provide a framework to be used in analyzing social sustainability in the …

Hormones –

Hormones –

Download. Hormones are naturally produced by the endocrine system of humans and other animals, and regulate growth, development, and reproductive processes. Plants also produce hormones, or plant regulators, which are chemical substances that influence growth and specify cell function. Hormones and their metabolites are excreted out of the body …

COVID-19 and the  supply chain: An overview

COVID-19 and the supply chain: An overview

Synopsis. COVID-19 rattled the Canadian supply-chain by forcing a shutdown in many slaughterhouses and meat processing plants, pushing consumers to panic-buy in fear of a shortage. Consumers saw atypical increases in the prices of , while ranchers received lower prices for cattle sold. The outright closure or reduced capacity at …

EDITORIAL: Progress on   ? | Editorials …

EDITORIAL: Progress on ? | Editorials …

Cattle ranchers have been talking about the for several years. But few things attract attention as strongly as dollars and cents. And with retail prices rising by 21% over the past year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, plenty of consumers’ eyes have been widened.

Here’s what we know about lab-grown meat and climate change

Here’s what we know about lab-grown meat and climate change

One of the major drivers for businesses focusing on cultivated (or lab-grown, or cultured) meat is its potential for cleaning up the climate impact of our current food system. Greenhouse-gas …

New research will help

New research will help

“Understanding the impact of production on climate change is a priority for the ,” said Matlock. “They want to improve efficiency and reduce impacts in a way that is driven by …

At A Glance: Change In Structure Of U.S.  Cow …

At A Glance: Change In Structure Of U.S. Cow …

Nevil Speer serves as an consultant and is based in Bowling Green, KY. Nevil Speer has extensive experience and involvement with the livestock and food including various service and consultation projects spanning such as market competition, business and economic implications of agroterrorism, animal identification, assessment of price risk and market volatility on the …

Canada’s   looking for answers as Chinese ban …

Canada’s looking for answers as Chinese ban …

A Chinese ban on Canadian that officials expected would be short-lived remains in place 17 months later, … “But some of these go back a long way.” …

Frontiers | Progress With Livestock Welfare in Extensive …

Frontiers | Progress With Livestock Welfare in Extensive …

Extensive livestock production industries are vital to the national economy, and include 26.4 million cattle valued at AUD19.6 billion in 2019, and 70.6 million sheep valued at AUD6.6 billion for meat and AUD3.615 billion for wool (in 2019 and 2017, respectively) ( 10 ). Due to a number of welfare disaster events in the last two decades …

Brazil’s   starts to tackle methane emissions

Brazil’s starts to tackle methane emissions

The world’s biggest meatpacker, Brazil-based JBS, is now running a trial with 30,000 cattle which will each receive a quarter-teaspoon a day of a feed additive, developed by Dutch nutrition …

JBS Settles Price Fixing Allegations for .5M,  …

JBS Settles Price Fixing Allegations for $52.5M, …

By Jenna Hoffman February 2, 2022. JBS SA agreed to pay a sum of $52.5 million to settle litigation following accusations of conspiring to inflate prices and pocketbooks by limiting supply in the U.S. market. In late 2019, the National Cattlemen’s Association (NCBA) sent a letter to the USDA, kickstarting an investigation into price …

Northern Australia  situation analysis. A report to the …

Northern Australia situation analysis. A report to the …

The approach for this analysis was to undertake a comprehensive review of the literature on production technologies and system outcomes, including supply-chain such as transport and logistics, and then to ‘socialise’ the findings of that review and gain the perspectives of different stakeholders and representatives. Based on these inputs, a strengths, […]

‘Raw Deal’ takes a hard look at the state of the American …

‘Raw Deal’ takes a hard look at the state of the American …

GROSS: Chloe Sorvino is a Forbes staff writer. She spoke with FRESH AIR’s Dave Davies. Her new book is called “Raw Deal: Hidden Corruption, Corporate Greed And The Fight For The Future Of Meat …

Why is  so expensive? Here’s what you need to know –

Why is so expensive? Here’s what you need to know –

prices are up 20% since last year—here’s why. Inflation is surging, and consumers’ finances are feeling the pinch from all angles. One product in particular that’s become more …

Former live export chief says   is at risk of …

Former live export chief says is at risk of …

She believes Australia’s $20-billion is most at risk of losing its social licence, an informal licence granted by the community based on what it expects and accepts.

U.S.  and Cattle Imports and Exports: Data  and …

U.S. and Cattle Imports and Exports: Data and …

imports in 1998 were only 150 million pounds larger than 1997 levels and accounted for almost 14 percent of total U.S. supplies—which is slightly lower than in 1992 (Figure 4).

MARKET VALUE CHAIN PROFILE – Minister of Agriculture …

MARKET VALUE CHAIN PROFILE – Minister of Agriculture …

The quantity and value of exports from 2011 to 2020 are shown in Figure 7 below. South Africa exported approximately 37 000 tons of in 2020 yielding an export value of R2.5 billion. This represents an increase of 49% and 54% of quantity and value of exported during the period 2020 from previous year.

Home Page | Texas  Council

Home Page | Texas Council

The recently refreshed consumer-facing website provides nutrition and production content, plus Texans can register for an account and save personalized recipes for future meal inspiration. The state-level and producer-funded and managed promotion, marketing, research and education program for and products.

and Dairy Production – Our World in Data

and Dairy Production – Our World in Data

Global demand for is growing: over the past 50 years, production has more than tripled. The world now produces more than 350 million tonnes each year. However, the production of has large environmental impacts – increasing greenhouse gas emissions, agricultural land, and freshwater use. One of the world’s most pressing …

| Meat & Livestock …

| Meat & Livestock …

In the period 2010-2015 it was found that: total freshwater consumption declined 14% to 486 L kg LW-1. This was 68% lower than the five years to 1985. Water stress decreased 61% over the 35-year analysis period, averaging 283 L H2O-e kg LW-1 in the five years to 2015. Substantial improvements in productivity via intensification and better …

The Politics Of Meat | Modern Meat | FRONTLINE |

The Politics Of Meat | Modern Meat | FRONTLINE |

Last October, it failed again, by five votes. In between the two votes, a major merger took place that made the meat even more powerful on Capitol Hill. Tyson Foods, the giant poultry …