Category: Beef Directory

Reproductive Traits and Their Heritabilities in

Reproductive Traits and Their Heritabilities in

Fertility is a complex trait in production systems and genetic evaluation procedures, which is partly due to the numerous measures used to assess reproduction. Beyond , fertility measures vary according to animal species, and even within , they vary by breed, location, sex, and class. Fertility is of significant economic importance to producers, and …

Extension | Oklahoma State University

Extension | Oklahoma State University

The Manual is a key resource to anyone involved in the industry. Calculators The Extension program offers a wide-variety of FREE factsheets, step-by-step calculator instructions and downloadable spreadsheets.

Review on  Productivity of Local : In Ethiopia

Review on Productivity of Local : In Ethiopia

However, opportunities include growing population, urbanization; economic growth and government recognize the important of livestock in poverty alleviation. Key words: productivity, local , Ethiopia, meat consumption. Cite this article as: Melkam A., Mohammed A (2020). Review on Productivity of Local : In Ethiopia.

ASC-258: Minerals Matter for  –

ASC-258: Minerals Matter for –

Current mineral requirements for selected classes of are shown in Table 3. Most mineral requirements are similar across classes of . For example, a growing steer, mature bull, and lactating cow all have a zinc requirement of 30 ppm. Exceptions to this include calcium, phosphorus, and manganese, which have varying re-quirements …

Judging  and Oral Reasons 101

Judging and Oral Reasons 101

Overview. this booklet will help youth and beginning producers to understand the five basic criteria for selecting a animal. it will also help beginners in 4-H and ffa livestock judging to understand proper note-taking format and the structure to oral reasons. it should be used by youth and adults together, at club meetings, in classrooms …

Forages for  – University of Kentucky

Forages for – University of Kentucky

Forages for Jimmy C. Henning, Ray Smith, and Chris Teutsch Figure 2-1. Pasture and haylage acreage in Kentucky. Source: USDA 2017 Agriculture Census Figure 2-2. The Web Soil Survey (WSS) is an online tool of the USDA-NRCS that provides information on the soil types and productivities on a farm. as the amount of forage needed for a

Reports from USDA Agricultural Marketing Service | UNL

Reports from USDA Agricultural Marketing Service | UNL

Reports from USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. “For 100 years, AMS has provided free, unbiased price and sales information to assist in the marketing and distribution of farm commodities. Each year, Market News issues thousands of reports, providing the industry with key wholesale, retail and shipping data.

Selling  vs : Best Market Practices

Selling vs : Best Market Practices

Selling involves marketing processed meat products, while selling for production focuses on live animal sales. is a consumable product, while are the source of that product. Understanding the production process and differentiating and are essential in optimizing sales strategies.



Depending on the implant, and the age and sex of the animal, implants will improve growth rate from 10 to 20 percent and decrease the cost of production by 5 to 10 percent. Stud-ies show that the benefi ts of lower costs are passed on to the consumer. More efi cient production requires less feed and land resources.



G2044, Herd Health Programs and Reproductive Efficiency of ; G2045, Production Records for Commercial Cow-Calf Operations; G2046, Reproductive Bos indicus-Influenced ; G2047, Managing the Effects of Stress and Temperament on ; G2048, Cow-Calf Systems That Minimize Cow Depreciation Costs

7 common  fencing mistakes –  Magazine

7 common fencing mistakes – Magazine

Here is their take on the seven most common fencing mistakes. 1. Corner posts are undersized, or not deep enough. This ranks as the top mistake in fencing, be it barbed, high-tensile wire or woven wire. The main issues are undersized posts and corner posts not set deeply enough, particularly in sandy or soft soils.

– Effect of Environment on Nutrient Requirements …

– Effect of Environment on Nutrient Requirements …

are kept in many climatic regions and, except for some intensive production systems, are largely exposed to naturally occurring climatic conditions. In intensive production systems such as feedlots with shelters or confinement barns, there may be some modulation and protection from climate, but other stress factors, such as gaseous contaminants, dust, mud, or crowding, may be …

Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Fed  — What’s the Difference?

Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Fed — What’s the Difference?

Grass-fed contains much less monounsaturated fat than grain-fed ( 2. Trusted Source. ). Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats. Grass- and grain-fed contain very similar amounts of omega-6 …

Energy Requirements of Growing and Finishing

Energy Requirements of Growing and Finishing

a Values adapted from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Nutrient Requirements of . 8th rev. ed. National Academies Press; 2016.

Your Meat Needs

Your Meat Needs

The number of acres needed varies across the country. When it comes to sources of protein, alfalfa, cottonseed meal or soybean meal would all be sufficient options. Should you decide to try your hand at raising alfalfa to feed, you could sufficiently provide for one steer by planting 2 to 3 acres of alfalfa.

Cow nutrition for successful calving and breeding | UNL

Cow nutrition for successful calving and breeding | UNL

Pre-breeding and breeding season nutrition. Chasing the elusive second calf. Adequate Nutrition for Breeding Season Success. Determining how much forage a cow needs per day. Managing Postpartum Anestrus in Cows for a Successful Breeding Season. Preventing Grass Tetany in the Lactating Cow this Spring.

The Effect of Stress on Reproduction and Reproductive …

The Effect of Stress on Reproduction and Reproductive …

This has been observed in and dairy [153,154]. In , heat stress alters the expression of genes related to milk production, reducing the total production of milk and the protein content of the milk . The resulting milk contains higher proportions of fat in general and of long, unsaturated fatty acids in particular.

Overview of Preventative Health Care and Husbandry of

Overview of Preventative Health Care and Husbandry of

Several management practices are capable of increasing enterprise profitability through increasing animal productivity, enhancing animal value, and/or decreasing cost of production. Animal disease results in economic loss through mortality, treatment expenses, and lost performance or productivity.

Herd Management Strategies – Alabama Cooperative …

Herd Management Strategies – Alabama Cooperative …

See Alabama Extension publication “ Record Keeping Basics” (ANR-2488) for more information on record keeping. Define a Calving Season. A controlled calving season can save time, labor, and resources for a small producer (table 1). Managing the cow herd to calve in 90 days or less can help with the following …



Jan 2023 Cow Inventory Lowest Since 1962. January 31, 2023 2:23 pm Published by BeefBasis. A couple of highlights of the USDA’s semi-annual survey report measuring U.S. inventories as of January 1, 2023. The top-line category – “All and Calves” – declined by 3.04% relative to the (revised) 2022 inventory to 89.27 …

Neogen®  Genomics | Neogen

Neogen® Genomics | Neogen

Cow Calf Production. Igenity® is the first genomic profile designed for crossbred commercial . This tool utilizes DNA to predict genetic merit in both heifers and steers, providing an additional heifer selection tool to producers. Igenity results provide 17 maternal, performance, and carcass traits along with parentage.

The Best  for a Small Farm – Environment Co

The Best for a Small Farm – Environment Co

Herefords are one of the most popular , and their small-sized counterparts are one of the best breeds for a small farm. They require a lot less space than standard Herefords, mature more quickly, and don’t need as much feed to reach full size. Bulls weigh in at just 1,000 pounds, a full 57% smaller than full-sized …

2024  Prices Hit New Highs | Ohio  Letter

2024 Prices Hit New Highs | Ohio Letter

2024 Prices Hit New Highs. March 13 2024. – Josh Maples, Assistant Professor & Extension Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University. markets through the first two months of 2024 have built upon the strong prices from 2023 and pushed even higher. auction prices are at or above record …

Fall  Lice Treatments | UNL

Fall Lice Treatments | UNL

Lice Treatment Options. lice treatment products fall into several categories: animal sprays, non-systemic (contact) pour-on, and endectocides (systemic pour-on, absorbed internally and systemic injectable). Some non-systemic pour-ons require just one application and some require two applications spaced 14 days apart.

American Akaushi:  marbling and specialty  the …

American Akaushi: marbling and specialty the …

J-H Company operates as a farm-to-table business with the farm located just outside city limits in Waco. Ranch staff run over 3,000 head for breeding genetics and quality. “They get big.

Best  Breeds for Meat –

Best Breeds for Meat –

The Beefmaster breed is one of the first American composite breeds and was specifically bred as a dual-purpose breed. It is a composite breed that is made up from three different namely 50% Brahman, 25% Hereford and 25% Shorthorn …

The energy requirements for an Angus  cow throughout her …

The energy requirements for an Angus cow throughout her …

Many producers would agree that the nutritional requirements of the cow are greatest when peak milk yield is achieved. During this time, the cow is expected to lactate and achieve peak milk by 40-50 days after calving, undergo uterine involution (the structural and functional regression of the uterus back to an adequate size and status capable of supporting a new pregnancy), return …

Steps to Successful Reproductive Management in

Steps to Successful Reproductive Management in

Program Planning. Step 1: Institute basic management programs (herd health and nutrition), a record keeping and planning system that works best for your operation. Planning is the key to any successfully implemented reproductive management system. Between 25% and 70% of are usually anestrous (not cycling) at the start of the breeding …

Factory Farmed Cows – National Humane Education Society

Factory Farmed Cows – National Humane Education Society

How do operations affect the environment? Raising is detrimental to the environment. To produce a pound of steak, factory farmers use 2,500 gallons of water and a gallon of gasoline and destroy 35 pounds of topsoil due to erosion. In tropical countries, forests are leveled to clear land for grazing .

Feeding Small Grains to  – Penn State Extension

Feeding Small Grains to – Penn State Extension

Feeding Small Grains to . The high price of corn has many feeders investigating the use of alternative small grains in rations. feeders for all classes of are encountering corn prices that are at or near record levels. Alternative feeds may provide an alternative feedstuff and in many cases will make …

Production and Management Practices in …

Production and Management Practices in …

Production and Management Practices in Oklahoma. Since 1983, the Oklahoma Manual written by 16 lead authors from 6 academic disciplines, has been a key resource for producers, extension professionals, veterinarians, and many others in the industry (Lalman and Doye 2005).

Difference Between Cow And : Clear Explanation

Difference Between Cow And : Clear Explanation

. In terms of numbers, is the king of the world. As of January 2022, there are over 30 million head of used in the production of in the United States. Breeds of will differ from successful breeds of dairy , and are bred to put on both muscle and fat quickly.

Crossbreeding , III | Oklahoma State University

Crossbreeding , III | Oklahoma State University

Crossbreeding Definitions. There are a few terms commonly used in reference to crossbreeding which should be identified. Crossbreeding—mating of two different breeds. Three breed cross—result of mating an F1 parent to a male of an unrelated breed. Backcross—mating of an F1 parent back on one of the parent breeds.



As the largest producing state east of the Mississippi River, Kentucky is home to over 859,000 head of and ranks 5th nationally in total number of farms.The Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association, a grassroots organization with 99 chapters in 120 counties, works to protect, advance and be a strong voice for the state’s 32,000 + producers.

Avoiding Antibiotic Residues in  | Oklahoma State …

Avoiding Antibiotic Residues in | Oklahoma State …

The acceptable temperature range is 82°-86°F (28°-30°C) and aids the use of homemade incubators. The L.A.S.T. is an inexpensive and accurate tool for determining the presence of detectable antimicrobial residues in live .

Breeding recent news |  Magazine

Breeding recent news | Magazine

UNL helps identify new genetic defects in UNL helps identify new genetic defects in . Apr 8, 2024. 5 Min Read. Farm Business Management.

Livestock Market News |  News | The National Livestock …

Livestock Market News | News | The National Livestock …

The National Cattlemen’s Association and Australia solidified their collaboration with the signing of a joint statement. The agreement aims to strengthen their partnership, focusing on health, lab-grown proteins, and sustainability. Read more American, Australian producers ink partnership pact

farming that keeps  on lifelong grass diets may …

farming that keeps on lifelong grass diets may …

operations that keep on lifelong grass-based diets may have an overall higher carbon footprint than those that switch to grain-based diets partway through their lives, according …

Stress and the immune system for  | OSU Extension Service

Stress and the immune system for | OSU Extension Service

Hence, it is important that producers always look for feasible strategies to alleviate stress and improve the performance and health of the herd, consequently improving the profitability of the operations. References. Arthington et al. 2005. J. Anim. Sci. 83:933-939. Carroll, J. A. and N. E. Forsberg. 2007. Vet. Clin. Food Anim …

Feeding 101: Best Food for Cows | Tractor Supply Co.

Feeding 101: Best Food for Cows | Tractor Supply Co.

Feeding 101: Best Food for Cows. Sep 20, 2021. The majority of feed consumed by should be forage. Livestock feeds provide animals with the protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals they need. Some feeds are designed to be the primary source of food for the animals, while other feeds are designed to provide …

| Nature’s Seed

| Nature’s Seed

South-Atlantic Transitional Mix. As low as $102.78. View. Southern Subtropics Mix. As low as $113.24. View. Southwest Desert Mix. As low as $93.59. View.

Definition & Meaning –

Definition & Meaning –

: [noun] the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (such as a steer or cow) used as food.

Field To Fork: The Lifecycle Of  | Arrowquip

Field To Fork: The Lifecycle Of | Arrowquip

begins when a cow gives birth on a Cow-Calf farm or ranch. This breeding ground oversees the impregnation of healthy cows for the purpose of achieving assuring successful births. Most fit cows give birth once a year at these farms. Pregnant cows undergo a gestation period of 9 months, and give birth once a year.

6 antibiotic myths answered by a  vet –  Magazine

6 antibiotic myths answered by a vet – Magazine

. Reducing the need for antibiotics is key to preserving their use. Second of a six-part series. “Go on and deny that antibiotic resistance is occurring in and that we have any affect on it, but keep in mind the antibiotic groups you have today are likely the antibiotics you will have for the rest of your …


A frequently heard recommendation for farms is to separate the 2-year-olds and thin cows from the main herd during the winter-feeding period. Three-year-olds may also benefit from being in this group because they are still growing. This is important every year, and likely even more important during years of limited forage resources.

Gene-edited  receive regulatory clearance in U.S.

Gene-edited receive regulatory clearance in U.S.

Associated Press. March 8, 2022 8:20 AM PT. NEW YORK —. U.S. regulators on Monday cleared the way for the sale of from gene-edited in coming years after the Food and Drug …

FDA Makes Low-Risk Determination for Marketing of Products …

FDA Makes Low-Risk Determination for Marketing of Products …

Today, the announced it has made a low-risk determination for the marketing of products, including food, from two genome-edited and their offspring …

National  Wire |  Inventory By State | Annual

National Wire | Inventory By State | Annual

The United States industry faces a significant challenge as the annual inventory report for January 1, 2024, delivers sobering news. The report, released recently, discloses that the total number of all and calves in the United States on that date stood at 87.2 million head. This figure represents a 2 percent decline from …

Brazil Once Again Becomes the

Brazil Once Again Becomes the

Brazil has the world’s second-largest herd—232 million head—and its production is largely based on grass. Increased demand worldwide has stimulated increased production and productivity gains. In 2018, Brazil reached its highest level of production at 9.9 million metric tons.



production systems are defined as all commercial production systems where the purpose of the operation includes some or all of the breeding, rearing and finishing of intended for consumption. Article 7.9.2. Scope . This chapter addresses the welfare aspects of production systems, from birth through to