Tag: beef cattle

For Sale | .com

For Sale | .com

Cow and Calf Pairs Commercial – . 40 head of first calf heifers. All calve hit the ground March 15th-May 15th. Mommas weighing about 1,150 pounds each. Have not been bred back yet, so available for whatever bull you choose. Private Treaty Details. Average Weight 1,150 lb. Total Weight 46,000 lb.

look at Texas ranching …

look at Texas ranching …

Nationally and internationally recognized as the largest-attended educational program in the world, the annual event is designed to provide resources and up-to-date industry information to Texas agricultural stakeholders, producers, ranchers, veterinarians and landowners.

Welfare of  in Intensive Systems | SpringerLink

Welfare of in Intensive Systems | SpringerLink

are kept in a variety of intensive production systems globally. Historically, in cold climates have spent at least part of the year indoors; however, intensive feeding of in large scale commercial feedlots did not develop in North America (the United States and Canada) until the 1920s and in Australia until the 1960s (Gaughan and Sullivan 2014).

Dehorning – BeefResearch.ca

Dehorning – BeefResearch.ca

Dehorning is a common management practice to reduce the risk of injury and bruising to other and to improve handler safety. Horns are absent at birth but grow from a cluster of cells known as horn buds. Not all have horns and with the availability and adoption of polled genetics, the majority of Canada’s herd is …

The importance of energy nutrition for  | OSU Extension …

The importance of energy nutrition for | OSU Extension …

In , energy is typically used in a specific hierarchical order (Figure 2) to preserve the critical functions of the animal and prevent unnecessary use of energy when intake is inadequate. The main priority of consumed energy is to supply the requirements for vital body functions, which include maintenance, health and replacement of …

Parasite Control in  – Management and Nutrition …

Parasite Control in – Management and Nutrition …

Parasite Control in . By Jason Smith, PhD, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Department of Animal Science. Reviewed/Revised Jul 2023. Both internal and external parasites represent health and production risks to the herd. Each may impact the operation through decreased performance or productivity as well as increased susceptibility …

Record Keeping Basics – Alabama Cooperative …

Record Keeping Basics – Alabama Cooperative …

record keeping is a technique and tool to document and analyze precise information for an operation. Different approaches to record keeping can be taken. These include tracking whole herd or individual animals and using written or technology-based methods. The system chosen should be practical in application, provide unique animal …

Identification – FSA9603 – University of Arkansas …

Identification – FSA9603 – University of Arkansas …

Identification . David Fernandez . Extension Livestock Specialist . Identification of is needed for any type of record system. records may range from a simple inventory list of to calving records or performance records. The two components of a identification system are the of marking or numbering .



Institute Kansas State University Mosier Hall P-222 Manhattan, KS 66506. 785-532-4066. bci@ksu.edu. Follow us. Instagram; Twitter; Facebook; Stay in touch.

Understanding  farming management strategies by …

Understanding farming management strategies by …

the farming system was discussed with the farmers during this survey step, which e n a b l e du st oc o – c o n s t r u c tas e t of 13 dimensions: feeding (d istri bution), calving …

Recent advances in feed and nutrition of  in China …

Recent advances in feed and nutrition of in China …

The industry in China has advanced remarkably since its reform and opening up; consequently, China has become the world’s third-largest producer. China is also one of the countries with the most substantial research input and output in the field of feed and nutrition. The progress and innovation by China in …

Estrous Synchronization for  | UGA Cooperative …

Estrous Synchronization for | UGA Cooperative …

Estrous (heat) synchronization in involves manipulating the females’ estrous cycle so they can be bred at about the same time. The normal 21-day estrous cycle in can be altered by following an effective estrous synchronization protocol. Numerous estrous synchronization protocols have been developed that use a combination of different drugs and products to alter hormonal …

10 Docile  Breeds: Great Options For A Beginner

10 Docile Breeds: Great Options For A Beginner

The best breeds for a small farm include Hereford, Simmental, Shorthorn, Gelbvieh and Devon. These breeds are all beginner-friendly, are affordable to purchase, are relatively docile and can be slaughtered at 18-24 months. Whether raising on a small farm for your own consumption or sale, you’ll want to raise a docile …

Raising the Bar: How to Improve  Reproduction for …

Raising the Bar: How to Improve Reproduction for …

producers need to have sound reproductive management to ensure the success and profitability of their operations. Reproductive management is defined as: the framework that ensures that fertility, followed by adequate immunological and environmental conditions leads to calving healthy animals (my definition).

A Few Acres? —

A Few Acres? —

3. Is Raising Profitable? It can be, when done correctly. are often considered the easiest livestock to raise for profit since they don’t require quite as much daily maintenance as livestock like sheep and goats. Plus, they reach heavy weights quickly, meaning it’s easier to turn a larger profit on a single animal. 4.

International  Academy – Department of Animal Science

International Academy – Department of Animal Science

With a limited class size and online coursework taught by internationally renowned Texas A&M faculty and guest lecturers, the 44 Farms-Texas A&M International Academy, IBCA, is a certificate program that offers an exclusive and customized learning experience tailored to the educational and professional needs of each participant.

“2022 Nebraska  Report” – University of Nebraska …

“2022 Nebraska Report” – University of Nebraska …

The purpose of and product research at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is to provide reference information that represents the various populations (cows, calves, heifers, feeders, carcasses, retail products, etc.) of production. Dedicated in memory of Dr. Terry Klopfenstein (March 10, 1939-April 30, 2021), Professor Emeritus, Animal Science Department, University of …

The meta-analysis of  body weight prediction using …

The meta-analysis of body weight prediction using …

Monitoring productivity, which includes body weight, plays an important role . Furthermore, body weight can be used as a reference for measuring the amount of feeding , buying and selling , and supporting fattening programs . Subsequently, body weight is often measured using manual digital scales, which require the to move …

Fiber in  Diets | Mississippi State University …

Fiber in Diets | Mississippi State University …

If you need assistance accessing any of our content, please email the webteam or call 662-325-2262. While energy and protein are often the major focus of many nutritional programs, fiber is another essential diet component producers need to consider. Fiber type, quality, and length impact health and productivity.

Short Course – Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service

Short Course – Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service

Associate Professor & Extension Specialist. (979) 458-3304. jason.cleere@ag.tamu.edu. The Texas A&M Short Course is nationally and internationally recognized as the largest attended educational program of its type in the world. The Cattleman’s College portion features more than 20 concurrent sessions.

Texas A&M University  Short Course

Texas A&M University Short Course

production in Texas is a $9 billion industry, with topping every other agricultural commodity produced in the state. Changing dynamics and challenges in the industry have many operations across the state and the nation seeking ways to optimize production efficiency and maintain competitiveness.

Beefmaster : The Ultimate Guide for  Ranchers

Beefmaster : The Ultimate Guide for Ranchers

The Beefmaster is a breed of that was developed in Texas in the early 1900s. The breed was created by crossing three different breeds of – Hereford, Shorthorn, and Brahman – in order to create a hardy, adaptable breed that could thrive in the hot, dry climate of Texas. One of the key characteristics of the Beefmaster is …

Size | IBISWorld

Size | IBISWorld

The market size, measured by revenue, of the Production industry was $101.6bn in 2023. What was the growth rate of the Production industry in the US in 2023? The market size of the Production industry increased 11.5% in 2023. Has the Production industry in the US grown or declined over the past 5 …

The  industry  inventory is shrinking. | Fox Business

The industry inventory is shrinking. | Fox Business

According to the USDA, nationwide inventory dropped to 28.2 million this year — the lowest level since the 1970s and down 2% from a year ago. Agricultural economists say persistent …

The Digestive System of  – MSD Veterinary Manual

The Digestive System of – MSD Veterinary Manual

As with any other animal species, feed enters the digestive system of through the mouth. use the tongue, lower incisor and canine teeth, and an upper dental pad to graze or otherwise acquire feed. The dental pad is a coarse, fibrous tissue that replaces the upper incisor and canine teeth; it is a feature unique to ruminants.

NBCEC – National  Education Consortium Site …

NBCEC – National Education Consortium Site …

The National Evaluation Consortium (NBCEC) is an organization of researchers, educators, producers and industry leaders focused on genetic evaluation of . Its mission is to advance U.S. genetics, increase the sustainability and competitiveness of the industry, and provide consumers with affordable and healthy …

Antibiotics 101: Tips for Choosing the Right Treatment for …

Antibiotics 101: Tips for Choosing the Right Treatment for …

This article was written by Ronald K. Tessman, DVM, Ph.D., DACVIM, DACVPM, Technical Consultant, Elanco Animal Health. When it comes to choosing the right antibiotic to treat , it should be anything but a guessing game. While there are many factors that weigh into creating a treatment regimen, understanding the different classes of antibiotics and how they wor

7 Top  feedlot apps – Successful Farming

7 Top feedlot apps – Successful Farming

7 Top feedlot apps. More feedlot operators and producers are discarding pen and paper in favor of apps, programs, and barn technologies to help manage the health and nutrition of their . Here is a list of different apps and software available.

heifer fertility: importance of management practices and …

heifer fertility: importance of management practices and …

production systems have greatly benefited from heterosis, but the investigations of heterosis on heifer fertility are scarce. Cundiff and others identified that crossbred heifers had 6.6% greater conception rate to natural service followed by 6.4% increase in calf crop weaned [ 67 ].

Breeder’s Directory – bama

Breeder’s Directory – bama

Alabama Facts; Stockyard Directory; Bama Sales Directory; … Tri State Marketing & Consulting Services. Frisco City Livestock Market.

| Mississippi State …

| Mississippi State …

If you need assistance accessing any of our content, please email the webteam or call 662-325-2262. Growth-promoting implants offer producers a safe and effective way to increase calf weight gains. Implants increase production of muscle tissue and often reduce body fat production.

royalty-free images – Shutterstock

royalty-free images – Shutterstock

Irish . feedlot. steak. . meat. isolated. of 2,652. Find stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day.

Production 101 – Canadian  Association

Production 101 – Canadian Association

farmers and ranchers watch carefully over their cows and calves. Indeed, the success of the Canadian industry relies on healthy, well cared for . Canada has 60,000 farms and feedlots, with the industry contributing $21.8 billion to the gross domestic product at market prices, including $11.7 billion in labour …

New equations will better estimate protein utilization by …

New equations will better estimate protein utilization by …

Knowing exactly how utilize protein is important to answering many nutrition questions producers and industry nutritionists pose to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service specialists …

Trace Minerals Supplementation with Great Impact on  …

Trace Minerals Supplementation with Great Impact on …

In , marginal TM deficiencies negatively affect antibody production after vaccination, as well as colostrum quality and quantity, and subsequent passive antibody transfer to the calves . Vaccination of calves before or after weaning is a major tool to prevent the many diseases affecting , such as BRD.

Energy Requirements of : Current Energy Systems …

Energy Requirements of : Current Energy Systems …

Energy systems for growing developed by the AFRC , CSIRO and INRA are based on calorimetry, whereas systems used in North America [6,13] and Brazil rely on comparative slaughter trials. However, it is interesting to note that energy feeding systems for dairy in the USA (which may be relevant for suckler cows) were developed …

How to create proper diets for  | OSU Extension …

How to create proper diets for | OSU Extension …

Within the OSU – Library, there are several articles demonstrating the importance of adequate nutrition for growth, reproduction and immunity of . More than 60% of annual production costs in operations can be associated with feeding, including forage production and feed purchase (Miller et al., 2001).

Protein in  Diets | Mississippi State University …

Protein in Diets | Mississippi State University …

Protein in diets is commonly expressed as crude protein. To determine the crude protein content of a forage or feedstuff, first measure the nitrogen content of the feed. Then multiply the nitrogen value by 6.25, because proteins typically contain 16 percent nitrogen (1/.16 = 6.25). Crude protein is comprised of both true protein and …

Vaccination Programs for  – Management and …

Vaccination Programs for – Management and …

Vaccination Programs for . By Jason Smith, PhD, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Department of Animal Science. Reviewed/Revised Jul 2023. Vaccines are pharmaceutical products that are intended to be administered to healthy animals to better prepare the animal’s immune system to combat bacterial, viral, or protozoal health challenges.

Main regulatory  of  level in  – PMC

Main regulatory of level in – PMC

normally do not receive the vitamin C (or L-ascorbic acid) supplementation in their diets because they can synthesize vitamin C in their liver (Mwangi et al., 2019, Park et al., 2018a). However, vitamin C plays an important role in collagen synthesis, oxidation-reduction reactions and infertility treatment ( Ranjan et al., 2012 ).

Feeding  II: Fetal Programming—Rethinking Cow/Calf …

Feeding II: Fetal Programming—Rethinking Cow/Calf …

Systems Approach to Management Improving quality means working within a complex system. systems integrate biol-ogy, ecology, economics, and even human behavior (Dunn and Johnson 2010). For many years, producers have adopted management and feeding practices and new technologies as they have become available.

Prevention of Common Nutrition-Related Disorders in

Prevention of Common Nutrition-Related Disorders in

Although almost every nutrient imbalance that affects the productivity of has a name, the most prevalent of these imbalances in grazing is a condition known as hypomagnesemia. More commonly known as “grass tetany,” hypomagnesemia is due to a deficiency of magnesium in the animal’s system. This deficiency often occurs in …

Diet and Genetics Influence  Performance and Meat …

Diet and Genetics Influence Performance and Meat …

A comprehensive review of the impact of tropical pasture grazing, nutritional supplementation during feedlot finishing and fat metabolism-related genes on performance and meat-eating traits is presented. Grazing on low quality tropical forages with less than 5.6% crude protein, 10% soluble starches and 55% digestibility …

the efficiency of  production

the efficiency of production

Globally, there are approximately one billion , and compared with poultry and swine, have the poorest conversion efficiency of feed to meat. However, these metrics fail to consider that produce high-quality protein from feeds that are unsuitable for other livestock species. the efficiency of are focusing on operational and …

for  | Oklahoma State …

for | Oklahoma State …

producers can tail-chalk cows, at about 50 days after calving, while the cows are crowded in a long working chute or alley. Replacement heifers could be expected to have a high percentage of cycling animals when they are about 13-14 months of age and weigh approximately 65% of their expected mature body weight.

Report slams  industry for overuse of antibiotics | CIDRAP

Report slams industry for overuse of antibiotics | CIDRAP

In a response to the report, Julia Herman, DVM, MS, a specialist veterinarian at the National Cattlemen’s Association, told CIDRAP News that farmers and ranchers “have long practiced the targeted and appropriate use of antibiotics for the under their care,” that the industry is committed to judicious …

production systems | CABI Books

production systems | CABI Books

production systems. This textbook provides an integrated view of production with a systems based approach, discussing the interrelationships of a broad range of aspects with the overall goal of optimising production. This book provides the background to allow producers to match their production environments …

Introduction to  production systems. – ResearchGate

Introduction to production systems. – ResearchGate

Production and Trade covers all aspects of the industry from paddock to plate. It is an international text with an emphasis on Australian production, written by experts in …

Understanding Agriculture:  – Purdue University

Understanding Agriculture: – Purdue University

Additionally, leather can be made from the hide of . In terms of production, a bred heifer has a gestation (pregnancy) period of about 283 days (about 9½ months) before giving birth to a baby calf. Birthing is called calving. producers ensure that baby calves receive colostrum milk from their mothers a few hours after birth.

Herd Health – Livestock & Natural Resources …

Herd Health – Livestock & Natural Resources …

This sessions provides a refresher on Artificial Insemination (AI) in , along with covering preparing for breeding and estrus synchronization protocols that can reduce labor and improve conception rates. Dr. McNabb also shares about different methods to determine conception.