Tag: Beef
| N.C …
cattle and other livestock require a number of different minerals, macro and micro, for optimal growth, reproduction, and just maintaining their health in general. A good mineral program specific to each farming operation is key to efficient production on forages. Good quality forages and grains can provide a large selection of the required minerals …
Eight ways the right cattle software can work for …
3. Accurate closeouts and breakevens. Find a software that doesn’t just track your data, but puts it to work for you. All those numbers don’t do any good unless you can make sense of them. The data you capture within Performance makes it easy to generate accurate closeouts and breakevens within seconds.
AgriWebb raises $7.2m to fuel further … – Magazine
AgriWebb, a world’s leading cattle production software provider, has announced the successful close of a $7.2m /£6m/AU$11 million funding round, which was oversubscribed by interested parties by 30%. According to the company, the round saw robust participation from existing and new investors, reinforcing AgriWebb’s dominance in the …
Cattlemen’s Board: Learning Modules
Learning Modules. Cattlemen’s Board learning modules are listed below. These modules are designed to educate users about various aspects of the Checkoff and it’s currently funded programs. Learning modules vary in length between 10-30 minutes to complete. If there are available products matching your search criteria, they will be …
Cow and Marketing Alternatives
A three-year joint study by Oklahoma State University and The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc. suggests that initial body condition score (BCS) of the cow at culling should play an important role in the retention decision (Amadou, et al., 2014). The study examined net returns from cow retention across five potential marketing …
Cattle Budgets | | feedlotmagazine.com
Using the Cattle Budgets Tool. The SDSU Extension Cattle Budgets Tool can be used to estimate revenues and costs associated with six different cattle enterprises: heifer development, cow costs, backgrounding from November to February, finishing steers, backgrounding yearlings from 750-1100 pounds and finishing yearlings from 1100-1400 pounds.
Assessing best practice adoption by pasture-based …
Objective. The objectives of this research were to develop an adaptable index of herd-level risk, the Whole Herd Risk Index (WHBRI), based on implementation of 14 selected best practices (BMP) for the of cows and calves on an operation and to pilot it using an online survey of producers.
as a Nutritional Tool
Key areas for evaluation on the cow are the backbone, ribs, hooks, pin bones, tailhead, and brisket. (BCS) is an easy-to-use tool that describes the relative fatness of cattle. A nine-point BCS scale can be used to manage the cow herd. For example, there is a strong correlation between of a cow and …
Cattle : Improve Forage
*This is an excerpt from Cattle in Uncertain Times. In this video, David Russell, an Alabama Extension weed scientist, discusses topics related to spring weed in pastures and hayfields. These topics include integrated pest , spring transition across forage systems, control options, and weed resources.
Feedlot Guide – United States Agency for …
Feedlot Guide This publication was produced for review by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). It was prepared by Kamal Hyder, Ph.D., for the USAID Inma Agribusiness Program, implemented by The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Inma Agribusiness Program – USAID/Iraq 2008 Contract No. 267-C-00-07-00500-00.
Cattle : Improve Soil Health in Hayfields and …
*This is an excerpt from Cattle in Uncertain Times. In this video, David Russell, an Alabama Extension weed scientist, discusses topics related to spring weed in pastures and hayfields. These topics include integrated pest , spring transition across forage systems, control options, and weed resources.
Dry Aging of –
Dry Aging of . This executive summary describes dry aging and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the process. Special attention is given to quality, palatability, and economic parameters important to those who market and purchase dry-aged . Download.
– Wisconsin 4-H
impacts to breeding and reproduction • Properly identify and learn to treat common cattle iseases Leading the Charge, Level 3 (08145)* Resources for All Three Levels • Helper’s Guide (08146)* • Exploring Health and husbandry (08455)* Take Your Project Further! • Tour a ranch or visit a livestock auction
Wellbeing on Farms in Michigan: Participate in the …
CSUS is starting a new project that will study the economic, social, and ecological wellbeing outcomes of 45 producers using a range of grazing strategies. This study will help producers understand how to improve the quality of their land, their profitability, and their happiness simultaneously.
Animal | + Lamb New Zealand
This workshop provides the platform to bring together and discuss all the critical elements of condition scoring in animals and applications throughout the farming year. Ewe Body Condition Scoring. This workshop demonstrates a quick, easy and low-cost tool that compares sheep purely on condition. Better Breeding
Cattle and Optimization | Penn State …
Quality Assurance, or BQA, is a national certification program that offers training and technical assistance to cattle producers. The program is designed to help maintain a quality food supply and ensure safe, high-quality products through proper animal care and practices .
Practices: When Forages are in Short Supply …
A drought year can affect a producer’s bottom line for three years. Proper planning and can minimize the longer-term economic impact. In this publication, Purdue University experts review 18 practices that can be used in various combinations to reduce the negative consequences of low forage supplies. Produced. 1/19 …
Feed efficiency of Brahman steers: from feed to steak
Efficiency of cattle production and reproduction has major implications for stakeholders and the sustainability of the industry. Availability and nutritive value of pastures and feedstuffs affect economic and biological efficiencies of maintenance, gain and performance. A recent report published in Applied Animal Science focuses this …
— Publications
The research programs at the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Main Station at Fargo and at the Research Extension Centers across North Dakota are dedicated to serving the producers and stakeholders in North Dakota by developing new knowledge and technology to improve the , efficiency and production of high-quality …
| Extension and Outreach …
The Iowa Center provides research based information on cattle, production, marketing and . The faculty and staff of the Iowa Center work together to develop and deliver the latest in research-based information to improve the profitability and vitality of the state’s industry. The center is located on the Iowa State …
| NC State Extension
Quality Assurance (BQA) is a national program that raises consumer confidence through offering proper techniques and a … — 2 months ago, Alamance County Center compare_arrows Artificial Insemination School for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Forty steers from Coloradom Sate University's Improvement Center (2,150 m) with PAP averaging 41.5 ± 0.5 mmHg were randomly assigned to one of four groups: 1) traditional stocker and finishing system (i.e., grown and finished at 1,420 m beginning at 10 months of age), 2) extended stocker grazing at high elevation …
AN170/AN170: Florida Cow-Calf and Stocker Safety and …
Quality Assurance (BQA) is a proven system of sensible practices that will further strengthen consumer confidence in products. Adopting BQA principles is a proactive way to implement a philosophy of Total Quality (TQM) in to your operation and address quality and safety issues.
Ten ways to reduce stress on your cattle operation
BRD is the costliest cause of sickness and death in the industry and implementing a holistic approach to battling the disease could help to provide the protection producers are looking for, concluded Dr. Gillespie. “With the right strategies, producers can put their cattle on track for lifelong productivity and well-being.”
Florida Panhandle Cattle & Forage Calendar
Florida Panhandle Cattle & Forage Calendar University of Florida Extension State Specialists and County Agents – Doug Mayo, Cliff Lamb, Mark Mauldin, Ann Blount, Cheryl Mackowiak, Jose Dubeux, Jay Ferrell, Jennifer Bearden, Nicolas DiLorenzo, Shep Eubanks, Jed
Spring grazing for cattle
The Cattle Institute team of experts offers advice on ways to prepare cows for spring turnout and pasture . Website. Cattle Institute podcast. Notable quote “Good grass managers monitor both the cows and forage availability and make adjustments throughout the grazing season.”
USDA Launches Remote Grading Pilot Project | Dairy Herd
The Remote Grading Pilot for , developed by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), matches simple technology with robust data and program oversight to allow a USDA grader to assess carcass characteristics and assign the official quality grade from a remote location, reducing costs and location as barriers to …
A whole herd cattle health update with Dr …
During the third session of the 2022 Virtual School held on Monday, March 21st Dr. Justin Kieffer, Clinical Veterinarian for the Department of Animal Sciences at OSU, offered a herd health update. Included in his presentation were vaccination protocols for both cows and calves, discussion on how to best implement a …
| Livestock | Farms.com
The average herd manager must take care of around 40 head of cattle, but many livestock managers oversee operations with more than 100 cattle. Cattle operations include cow-calf operations, in which a herd is kept to birth and raise calves, and cattle feedlots, which are used for finishing cattle. Whichever type of operation a manager …
heifer fertility: importance of practices and …
The development of replacement heifers is at the core of cow-calf production systems. In 2020, the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service reported 5.771 million heifers, 500 pounds and over, are under development for cow replacement. A compilation of data from several studies indicate that between 85% and 95% of these heifers …
Economic Considerations for Manure Systems
Economic Considerations for Manure Systems. Manure can be a valuable resource in a crop production system. Manure contains the macronutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) and also contains numerous micronutrients. The nutrient value of manure for crop production depends on the site-specific reserve of plant …
Proceedings, Applied Reproductive Strategies in Cattle August 31 – September 1, 2011; Joplin, MO BULL FOR OPTIMAL REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE D. H. Volkmann College of Veterinary Medicine University of Missouri, Columbia, MO Introduction The topic of appropriate bull for optimal breeding performance has been researched
Feedlot – AES
Feedlot Certificate. Do You Want to Manage Your Own Feedlot? The Department of Animal Sciences offers a certificate in Feedlot to undergraduate students majoring in Animal Science. This certificate prepares students for a career in the cattle feeding industry and associated allied industries.
Reproduction Task Force
The Reproduction Task Force is focused on disseminating science-based information on reproductive and fostering collaborative research to develop reproductive technologies that can be readily adopted by cow-calf producers. Our overall goal is to increase adoption and improve success of reproductive technologies to enhance …
| Ohio Cattle Letter – U.OSU
Intersection of Innovative, Intriguing, and Insanity. March 6 2024. – Garth Ruff, Cattle Field Specialist, Ohio State University Extension (originally published in The Ohio Cattleman) Consider spending some of the additional income dollars on improved genetics. January through March is what we in Extension call “Meeting Season.”.
Agri Team | Org Chart – RocketReach
HR Department. IT Department. Agri employs 368 employees. The Agri team includes Kim Stuart (CFO), Jay Theiler (Vice President Brand Development), and Brad Cougher (Chief Information Officer) . Get Contact Info for All Departments.
Farm Software | MilkingCloud
Revolutionizing Cattle with Advanced Software Solutions Managing a farm involves numerous intricate tasks from feed to health care, breeding, and financial tracking. MilkingCloud’s Farm Software is designed to simplify these processes, allowing farmers to maximize their efficiency and profitability.
Specialist – JWCC
The JWCC specialist certificate trains students to provide direct care for cattle, emphasizing nutrition, reproduction, growth, and development. Classes meet two or three days per week from late August through mid-March. Technical knowledge and practical hands-on training are gained from working with a cow/calf herd at the 191-acre …
| OSU Extension TEAM
Welcome to the Ohio Center. This site serves as a portal to the most relevant cattle information available to Ohio cattlemen. We are committed to providing information and educational materials that will aid in making the decisions that will maintain an efficient and profitable enterprise.
: Part 1
The Michigan State University Extension Teams wants all cow-calf producers to experience a productive calving season with healthy animals. You should take note of several key criteria below to help reduce the risk of calf scours and develop your own plan.
Cattle Production and Practices and …
A survey of East Texas cattle producers was designed to evaluate the practices that were prevalent in the area. Demographic and cattle operation data from 103 respondents were analyzed using SPSS (Version 25; Chicago, IL).
Program: Cattle Ranch Certificate – Kansas …
Cattle Ranch Certificate. This certificate program will require the completion of 21 credit hours of defined cattle production and courses. The courses will provide practical application of scientific knowledge to cattle production and ranch issues. Students may choose to complete the …
A valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship is key to …
Checkoff and Quality Assurance have developed a Cattle Care Tool Kit Checklist to review and prepare for your cattle operation so you’ll have these things ready for when the tool is needed. Preparation is critical when animal health is at risk because time can be of the essence for positive treatment and recovery outcomes.
Kansas State University 2023-2024 Catalog Cattle Ranch …
Cattle Ranch Certificate . This certificate program will require the completion of 21 credit hours of defined cattle production and courses. The courses will provide practical application of scientific knowledge to cattle production and ranch issues.
Cattle Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The process of producing involves many people and utilizes numerous biological and economic resources., Which of the following statements correctly describes the United States industry?, Increase in cow herd size does not always imply an increased efficiency of production. and more.
Cattle : Reproductive – Alabama …
*This is an excerpt from Cattle in Uncertain Times. In this video, David Russell, an Alabama Extension weed scientist, discusses topics related to spring weed in pastures and hayfields. These topics include integrated pest , spring transition across forage systems, control options, and weed resources.
Economic Impact of Cattle Best Practices in …
Economic Impact of Cattle Best Practices in South Texas: Calf All calf practices evaluated offer the potential to significantly increase profitability of an operation. 2 In Scenario 2, a clostridial vaccination is given to calves and boostered once in a season. The two vaccinations cost $0.84/calf or $144/year
Fall feeding and for spring calving herds
October brings the season when producers are rewarded for the hard work of the past year. Weaning time is here or already in progress and calves are being pre-conditioned for the next production phase. The weaning process is a critical step especially this year with drought conditions and reduced winter feed resources.
Cattlemen’s Promotion and Research Board appointments …
2 Min Read. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced this week the appointment of 26 members to serve on the Cattlemen’s Promotion and Research Board. Twenty-five members will serve three-year terms and one member will serve a one-year term. The term of board members appointed to three-year terms start February 2024 and end …
practices: when forages are in short supply
Drought conditions are putting stress on all crops and forages are no exception. producers are facing limited forage supplies and two Purdue University Extension educators are sharing some information on feeding and strategies to consider to help control costs, maintain optimal animal performance, and preserve profitability into the future. Purdue University Extension […]