Tag: Beef

| One World

| One World

Eric Brandt. Eric has over 20 years of livestock experience, 15 years of meat experience and 10 years of export experience that he brings to the One World Alliance. Eric had the unique experience of growing up on a cattle ranch, which instilled his passion for the industry at an early age and established his drive to provide only the best …

Best practices for vaccinating cattle, handling vaccines, and …

Best practices for vaccinating cattle, handling vaccines, and …

To make sure animals get the most benefit from any health therapies at receiving, producers can utilize basic Quality Assurance (BQA) Best Practices (BMPs). Receiving and vaccinating cattle. As animals walk off the truck, evaluate and document the animals’ condition and anything that needs immediate attention.

How to  –

How to –

Selecting a proper dewormer for cattle. Administering an oral dewormer. Recognizing signs of external parasites. Selecting and applying a pour-on material for external parasite control. Differentiating antibiotics used for cattle. Scheduling pregnancy checks for your cattle. Having a defined breeding season.

Welfare Symposium fifth session to focus on practical …

Welfare Symposium fifth session to focus on practical …

Euthanizing cattle at the farm when necessary is an important animal action but can be an emotionally and physically challenging event for animal caregivers. This session will cover approved euthanasia methods, human safety, humane animal handling of compromised animals, and timing.

Precision Technology for your  Operation | Ohio  …

Precision Technology for your Operation | Ohio …

Precision Technology for your Operation. February 21 2024. – Jason Hartschuh, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy and Precision Livestock. Use of technology can improve how we manage the cattle. Precision farming technologies have greatly improved row crop production and many different technologies are available to change …

Quality Assurance  …

Quality Assurance …

Quality Assurance (BQA) is a national program that provides education on best practices for cattle producers. Practicing BQA demonstrates a commitment from the producer to the consumer, that as the producer, they are providing proper care for their animals and providing a wholesome product.

considerations for new replacement heifers

considerations for new replacement heifers

This is the second part of ’s 2-part series on selecting and managing replacement heifers. In Part 1, we looked at getting started in the selection process. Part 2 looks at considerations once you have chosen your replacements. Selecting replacement females is important for long-term sustainability and productivity of your cow …

Enterprise budget tool available for feedlot producers –

Enterprise budget tool available for feedlot producers –

An enterprise budget tool for feedlot producers is available on the MSU Extension website. Enterprise budgets are used to forecast economic profitability. This tool presents budgets for both and Holstein cattle at different placement weights. The tool is customizable so that an operation’s specific values, including rations, can be …

Cattlemen’s  Board: Home

Cattlemen’s Board: Home

Checkoff Collections & Compliance Authorization Requests & Funding Checkoff Financials Program Evaluation Leadership Development. Learning Modules Live Webinars On-Demand Webinars Resources CBB Alumni Checkoff Academy. Products Files. Search by Keyword.

Nutritional  of the Pregnant Cow for Optimal Calf …

Nutritional of the Pregnant Cow for Optimal Calf …

At least 17 minerals are known to be required by cattle (NRC, 2000). The micro‐mineral status of cows before calving has been shown to be important for subsequent calf health. These include zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), selenium (Se), iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn). Suf‐ficient mico‐minerals to ensure fetal growth are transferred from the …

Amazon.com:  Production and  Decisions …

Amazon.com: Production and Decisions …

Production and Decisions, fourth edition, is the most comprehensive cattle text available on the market today. Taking a -systems approach, the new edition identifies the primary biological principles that contribute to raising productive cattle.

Welfare of  Cattle in Extensive Systems | SpringerLink

Welfare of Cattle in Extensive Systems | SpringerLink

cattle production in Brazil is characterised by technological and heterogeneity, although most is produced on specialised larger farms. Ninety percent of is produced in grass pasture-based systems (ANUALPEC 2018 ), with a small percentage from native and cultivated low-input pastures of low productivity (Cesar et al …

Vaccination Programs for  Cattle –  and …

Vaccination Programs for Cattle – and …

Vaccination Programs for Cattle. By Jason Smith, PhD, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Department of Animal Science. Reviewed/Revised Jul 2023. Vaccines are pharmaceutical products that are intended to be administered to healthy animals to better prepare the animal’s immune system to combat bacterial, viral, or protozoal health challenges.

Cattle : Consider Economical Supplementation …

Cattle : Consider Economical Supplementation …

*This is an excerpt from Cattle in Uncertain Times. In this video, David Russell, an Alabama Extension weed scientist, discusses topics related to spring weed in pastures and hayfields. These topics include integrated pest , spring transition across forage systems, control options, and weed resources.

Nutrition and Feeding | Penn State Extension

Nutrition and Feeding | Penn State Extension

Grazing Corn Stalks with . By Tara L. Felix, Tiago Brandao Freitas, Jessica A. Williamson, Ph.D. Feeding stored feeds in winter months is a major cost of cow-calf and backgrounding operations. Extending the grazing season by grazing corn crop residue may be an economically viable option for producers in Pennsylvania.

Masters of  Advocacy LMS – Home

Masters of Advocacy LMS – Home

Quality Assurance is a nationally coordinated, state implemented program that provides systematic information to U.S. producers and consumers of how common-sense husbandry and transportation techniques can be coupled with accepted scientific knowledge to haul cattle under optimum and conditions.

Farm Business  recent news |  Magazine

Farm Business recent news | Magazine

Magazine is the source for production, and market news. SIGN ME UP. Browse. Digital Editions Webinars Seedstock 100 Text Alerts. Resources.

production and  decisions : Field, Thomas G …

production and decisions : Field, Thomas G …

industry — United States, industry, cattle, Publisher Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Prentice Hall Collection printdisabled; internetarchivebooks Contributor Internet Archive Language English

Applied Science, MAS ( Cattle Production) | UNL

Applied Science, MAS ( Cattle Production) | UNL

30. Total Credits. $357. Cost Per Credit. O nline. UNL. Students choose the Applied Science, MAS ( Cattle Production) program to: Develop an understanding of production as a system and be exposed to production practices that may enhance profitability and stewardship. Gain an understanding of statistics to better evaluate research data.

– South Campus Animal …

– South Campus Animal …

Visit the Spartan site! Personnel. The Cattle Teaching and Research Center has four full time employees. Mr. Tristan Foster is the farm manager. A native of Minocqua, Wisconsin; Tristan graduated from MSU in 2010 with a degree in Food Industry , specializing in Agricultural Business .

– UF/IFAS Extension …

– UF/IFAS Extension …

cattle production on Florida operations is different. Folks in agriculture, in Florida, know that it is different from other parts of the country. Our seasons are different, our climate is different. When parts of the country are in deep freezes, we are enjoying wonderful weather.

Exam 2 Flashcards |

Exam 2 Flashcards |

Cattle. 58 terms. AlleyN. Start studying Exam 2. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

5. cattle processing plants are located near feedlots. 79% of ranches have less than 50 momma cows. true or false. true. 5% of ranches have 500+ momma cows. true or false. false it is 1%. the majority of US mother cows live on ranches with a cowherd size of less than 50 mother cows. true or false. true.

What is  Quality Assurance |

What is Quality Assurance |

Quality Assurance (BQA) is a producer driven program in which cattle producers, from the cow-calf producer to the feedlot sector, assume responsibility for producing that is a healthy, wholesome, quality product and free from defects such as injection-site lesions and bruises. Producers in BQA programs keep detailed records of husbandry practices and treatments performed on their …

Herd  |  Cattle | Illinois Extension | UIUC

Herd | Cattle | Illinois Extension | UIUC

Cattle. Livestock. Commercial Agriculture. wmeteer2@illinois.edu. 217-236-4961. Designing a plan, carrying out a plan, and then evaluating that plan are key components of herd . Herd encompasses a wide range of topics.

UNL  | Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources

UNL | Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Understanding plant growth and livestock grazing preference is important to the success of targeted grazing. .unl.edu focuses on providing research based information and resources to producers to help them provide an economical, safe, quality product to consumers while protecting and preserving Nebraska’s vast natural resources.

Beaver Creek Farm Piedmontese

Beaver Creek Farm Piedmontese

from crossbred (50%) and purebred single myostatin gene Piedmontese has significantly reduced fat and calories, and higher yields than normal . A continental crossbred (50% piedmontese) steak will have approximately 66 mg cholesterol and 9 grams fat in a 100 g steak*.

Production  | UNL

Production | UNL

The production is a tool for producers to help them in scheduling practices pertaining to the cow herd over a twelve-month period. The is based on a late March calving herd. The addresses three categories: Herd Health. There are practices for producers to consider in these specific areas each …

Herd  Strategies – Alabama Cooperative …

Herd Strategies – Alabama Cooperative …

Herd Strategies. Learn key practices to improve sustainability in small herd operations. Cow-calf operation sustainability involves the efficient use of resources on-farm to improve herd profitability and farm productivity now and for future generations. For operations with less than fifty head of cattle, it is …

Controlled breeding for better  herd  –

Controlled breeding for better herd –

Breeding a cow herd and marketing calves are two sides of the same coin. When and how you manage the breeding season affects the weight and number of calves you have to sell at a given time. If your best marketing opportunity is a certain sale, such as a feeder calf sale, or at a certain time of the year, better prices will be received for …

The  Industry in Virginia

The Industry in Virginia

Virginia has a total of 675,000 to 750,000 cows on 23,000 farms. Most of these are found in the Piedmont and Mountain (also called Ridge and Valley) regions. There are 3 phases in the production of . 1. Cow produces a Calf. cows have a calf each year, beginning when they are 2 years old.

What is the Economic Value of  ? | UNL

What is the Economic Value of ? | UNL

The assumptions used for this analysis are found at the end of this article [i]. Figure 1: The nutrient replacement value of open lot is approximately $14/ton* when surface applied. *This assumes supplemental K is not needed and no yield increase results. Additional assumptions found at the end of this article.

Colombia becomes first country to restrict US  due to …

Colombia becomes first country to restrict US due to …

Colombia has restricted the import of and products coming from U.S. states where dairy cows have tested positive for avian influenza as of April 15, according the U.S. Department of …

Some Considerations for  Calving – Cornell Small Farms

Some Considerations for Calving – Cornell Small Farms

Shelter is needed for cows if you plan on calving in winter months. Yet another consideration to having brood cows in good shape at calving is their health and nutritional status. Proper vaccination protocols should be in place, and the cows should have developed several immunities to keep them healthy.

vs  – What’s the difference? | WikiDiff

vs – What’s the difference? | WikiDiff

Noun. (uncountable) The meat from a cow, bull or other bovines. I love eating . # The edible portions of a cow (including those which are not meat). lean finely textured . boneless lean trimmings. (uncountable) Bovine animals. *. A single bovine (cow or bull) being raised for its meat.

Using  in  | UGA …

Using in | UGA …

The industry has begun utilizing a value-based marketing system, where cattlemen are rewarded for producing a high quality, consistent end product that meets consumer demands. One tool that aids producers in the efficient and profitable production of is .

for a Successful …

for a Successful …

Managing the Postpartum Interval. cows must recover from the nutrient and physical demands of calving and lactation and will have 80 to 85 days to return to estrus after calving to potentially maintain a yearly calving interval. Failure to successfully manage the postpartum interval (PPI) is one of the major causes of reproductive loss …

Markets: , Wholesale , Futures All Higher | Drovers

Markets: , Wholesale , Futures All Higher | Drovers

Market cows sold $1 to $4 higher. Wholesale prices moved $4 to $9 higher. Choice boxed closed Friday at $305.28 per cwt., $4.67 higher for the week. Select boxed closed Friday at $295.74 per cwt., $9.43 per cwt. higher for the week. Estimated weekly slaughter totaled 599,000 head, down 26,000 head from the same week a year ago.



BREEDS OF The inspiration for writing this book goes back to my undergraduate student days at Iowa State University when I enrolled in the course, “Breeds of Livestock,” taught by the late Dr. Roy Kottman, who was then the Associate Dean of Agriculture for Undergraduate Instruction.

California Cattlemen’s Association – California Cattlemen’s …

California Cattlemen’s Association – California Cattlemen’s …

The California Cattlemen’s Association is a non-profit trade association that represents California’s ranchers and producers in political affairs. LATEST NEWS CCA is working to keep consumers and ranchers up to date on issues surrounding production.

Invited review: – …

Invited review: – …

Berry et al. (2019a) described a dairy- breeding goal populated with costs and prices representative of Irish production systems, as well as the traits with estimates of breeding values available. This proposed dairy- index consisted of 11 traits, with calving difficulty separated into heifer and cow traits.

Local  Directory –

Local Directory –

*A note to marketers: Any producer marketing of that producer’s own production in the form of or products to consumers, either directly or through retail or wholesale outlets, or for export purposes, shall remit to the an assessment on such at the rate of one $1.50 per head.

Genetic, management, and nutritional factors affecting …

Genetic, management, and nutritional factors affecting …

For example, with higher IMF produces higher sensory traits, including tenderness, juiciness, flavor, and overall acceptability in Korean and in USA samples . Most marbling fat is deposited between muscle fibre bundles in the perimysial connective tissue in [ 4 ].

Selling the Sacred Cow: India’s Contentious  Industry

Selling the Sacred Cow: India’s Contentious Industry

The Indian industry didn’t happen overnight. Export began in the 1960s and grew significantly in the last decade. Last year, India exported $4.3 billion worth of , a number expected to …

Muscle Energy Metabolism, Growth, and Meat Quality in

Muscle Energy Metabolism, Growth, and Meat Quality in

Curiously, from predominately fed grass diets produce even darker lean meat than their concentrate-fed counterparts [20,66,67,68]. While many argue that a lack of glycogen metabolism leads to a modified dark cutting phenomenon, grass-fed have more oxidative muscle than those finished on a concentrate diet [ 23 ].

Background Production – Penn State Extension

Background Production – Penn State Extension

Courtesy of the PA Producers Working Group (Photographer: Michelle Kunjappu) An optimal plan will induce up to 800 pounds of weight gain in your calves. The weight gain from comes primarily in the form of muscle and frame development, with little from fattening. These gains are accomplished as economically …

What type of grass is best for ? –

What type of grass is best for ? –

On average, Americans eat more than 50 pounds of each year (according to USDA estimates). But what do eat? In the eastern United States, often eat tall fescue, a “cool …

| Ranch Raised  | Shipped to Your Door …

| Ranch Raised | Shipped to Your Door …

Shop Our . Our Red Angus are pasture raised, naturally, on the open plains of Eastern Colorado of our family’s fourth-generation ranch before being finished on a corn-based diet for a rich, beefy flavor in every bite. Our boxes, eligible bulk , specialty meats, seasonings, and gifts & goods ship right from our ranch to …

Nutrition for Reproduction in  – Management and …

Nutrition for Reproduction in – Management and …

There are four periods of cow nutrient requirements, and generally three such periods for dairy cows: Period 1 is the interval from calving to breeding; lasting ~70–90 days, it is the period of greatest nutritional demand. The dairy cow is at maximal milk production and recovering from the stress of parturition.

Ag Facts:  and Calves | Oklahoma Agriculture in the …

Ag Facts: and Calves | Oklahoma Agriculture in the …

The industry generates more income than any other agricultural enterprise in our state. In 2005, Oklahoma’s and calf population was 5.4 million. The and calf industry is the most profitable agricultural enterprise in Oklahoma. In 2005 and calves contributed $2.2 million to the Oklahoma economy.